... as meningococcal rash) appears as tiny red or purple pin pricks that spread into blotches. ... Within 1 to 2 days, a rough, red rash that looks like sunburn develops on the body ... Your child might also develop a very red tongue and feel unwell. ... Chickenpox rash develops as red, itchy spots that turn into fluid-filled blisters.. Jun 24, 2010 It does not itch, but feels like someone is sticking a needle in my labia. It is not constant, but when it is happening I get the pin pricks ever

... as meningococcal rash) appears as tiny red or purple pin pricks that spread into blotches. ... Within 1 to 2 days, a rough, red rash that looks like sunburn develops on the body ... Your child might also develop a very red tongue and feel unwell. ... Chickenpox rash develops as red, itchy spots that turn into fluid-filled blisters.. Jun 24, 2010 It does not itch, but feels like someone is sticking a needle in my labia. It is not constant, but when it is happening I get the pin pricks ever

... as meningococcal rash) appears as tiny red or purple pin pricks that spread into blotches. ... Within 1 to 2 days, a rough, red rash that looks like sunburn develops on the body ... Your child might also develop a very red tongue and feel unwell. ... Chickenpox rash develops as red, itchy spots that turn into fluid-filled blisters.. Jun 24, 2010 It does not itch, but feels like someone is sticking a needle in my labia. It is not constant, but when it is happening I get the pin pricks ever

... as meningococcal rash) appears as tiny red or purple pin pricks that spread into blotches. ... Within 1 to 2 days, a rough, red rash that looks like sunburn develops on the body ... Your child might also develop a very red tongue and feel unwell. ... Chickenpox rash develops as red, itchy spots that turn into fluid-filled blisters.. Jun 24, 2010 It does not itch, but feels like someone is sticking a needle in my labia. It is not constant, but when it is happening I get the pin pricks ever

... as meningococcal rash) appears as tiny red or purple pin pricks that spread into blotches. ... Within 1 to 2 days, a rough, red rash that looks like sunburn develops on the body ... Your child might also develop a very red tongue and feel unwell. ... Chickenpox rash develops as red, itchy spots that turn into fluid-filled blisters.. Jun 24, 2010 It does not itch, but feels like someone is sticking a needle in my labia. It is not constant, but when it is happening I get the pin pricks ever

... as meningococcal rash) appears as tiny red or purple pin pricks that spread into blotches. ... Within 1 to 2 days, a rough, red rash that looks like sunburn develops on the body ... Your child might also develop a very red tongue and feel unwell. ... Chickenpox rash develops as red, itchy spots that turn into fluid-filled blisters.. Jun 24, 2010 It does not itch, but feels like someone is sticking a needle in my labia. It is not constant, but when it is happening I get the pin pricks ever

... as meningococcal rash) appears as tiny red or purple pin pricks that spread into blotches. ... Within 1 to 2 days, a rough, red rash that looks like sunburn develops on the body ... Your child might also develop a very red tongue and feel unwell. ... Chickenpox rash develops as red, itchy spots that turn into fluid-filled blisters.. Jun 24, 2010 It does not itch, but feels like someone is sticking a needle in my labia. It is not constant, but when it is happening I get the pin pricks ever

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