Frozen Future: Melt The Ice of Your Forgotten Soul (German Edition) Kindle Ausgabe

"Frozen Future" is a gripping science fiction novel about the struggle for freedom, the search for truth, and the power of the human spirit. Join Adam on his journey in a world waiting to be redefined.
In a race against time, Adam must confront not only the manipulation of the masses but also his own fears.
As he leads a rebellion with the potential to change the world, he uncovers deep secrets about himself that could shake the very foundations of society. Frozen Future: Melt The Ice of Your Forgotten Soul (German Edition) eBook : G., Mikazuki: Kindle-Shop Frozen Future: Melt The Ice of Your Forgotten Soul (German Edition) eBook : G., Mikazuki: Kindle-Shop Frozen Future: Melt The Ice of Your Forgotten Soul (German Edition) eBook : G., Mikazuki: Kindle-Shop