डायरिया में पतला मल होने के कारण शरीर से पानी और नमक दोनों बाहर निकल जाता है। ऐसे में व्यक्ति को डिहाइड्रेशन हो सकता है। अगर ये समस्या बढ़ गयी तो व्यक्ति को अस्पताल में भर्ती कराने की नौबत भी आ सकती है। इसीलिए, अगर दस्त हो जाये तो ओआरएस का सेवन जरूर करें। यह डिहाइड्रेशन का रामबाण इलाज है। इसके साथ ही खानपान का भी ध्यान रखें। अधिक जानकारी पाने के लिए दिये गये लिंक को जरूर फॉलो करें।





Diarrhea in Hindi- डायरिया के लक्षण और डायरिया कैसे होता है, इसे समझना आवश्यक है। बच्चों को इस बीमारी से बचाया जा सकता है। इसके लिए एक्सपर्ट की राय जरूर लें।

Best Cathedral Style Engagement Ring
Forever Moissanite designsare created by accomplished goldsmiths who are masters in designing rings. Their cathedral style engagement ring is one to have for your engagement to spread sparkle and cheer. For more information, do check their website.

Best Princess Cut Channel Set Engagement Ring
Forever Moissanite's collection of princess cut channel set engagement ring
is awe-inspiring and preferred by all stylish brides. To see the rings collection, visit their website today.

Best Princess Cut Pave Engagement Ring

Forever Moissanite's expertly crafted princess cut pave engagement ring is a beauty to behold. It is a timeless design that will surely charm your special lady. Do check their website now.

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Best Petite Solitaire Engagement Ring
Forever Moissanite designed petite solitaire engagement ring will baffle you with its brilliance. It is sure to sweep your lady off her feet. Visit their website today.

Classic Cathedral Solitaire Engagement Ring
Forever Moissanite brings you one of the finest cathedral solitaire engagement rings,that are so elegant that your special lady will shine bright like a solitaire. Do check their website now.

Stardust Serenade: Cosmic Shattuckite Jewelry for Celestial Grace

Shattuckite is a gorgeous Gemstone which is typically opaque and blue in colour. It is a silicate stone that comes in a variety of blue tones, from light to dark. The stone is an uncommon, intense blue mineral found in copper deposits that contains a high concentration of copper. Balance and honesty are encouraged by shattuckite, which is a gemstone. This stone is excellent for assisting you in retracing your steps.

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Spectacular Solitaire Moissanite Ring
Forever Moissanite's rings are handmade, and their collection of solitaire moissanite rings area must-have for a timeless bride. For detailed information, check their website today

Best Moissanite Solitaire Engagement Ring
Forever Moissanite has a stellar team of designers, who have created the illustrious moissanite solitaire engagement ring adored by all couples. Check their website for detailed information.