Helichrysum In Jojoba Oil – 15 ml
Helichrysum in Jojoba Oil – 15 ml combines the potent benefits of two natural ingredients renowned for their skincare properties. Helichrysum, also known as Immortelle or Everlasting, is a flowering plant native to the Mediterranean region. Its essential oil is prized for its numerous skincare benefits, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and derived from the seeds of the jojoba plant, is a versatile carrier oil with moisturizing and healing properties closely resembling the skin's natural sebum.

Helichrysum Jojoba Oil 15ml Skin Care | My Nature's Delight

Helichrysum Jojoba Oil 15ml Skin Care | My Nature's Delight

Elevate your skincare with Helichrysum in Jojoba Oil great for soothing and healing the skin. A great natural acne treatment. Shop now at My Nature’s Delight.