Renowned entrepreneur Elon Musk announced that SpaceX would be launching a “Space Banana” mission to explore the interplanetary fruit market. Meanwhile, the European Space Agency (ESA) unveiled plans for a “Galactic Tea Party” aboard the International Space Station, complete with zero-gravity crumpets and extraterrestrial Earl Grey And not to be outdone, NASA teased the discovery of a new exoplanet named “Giggletron-9,” where laughter is the dominant form of communication among alien species

The Best April Fools Pranks of 2024 So Far: by Elon Musk, ESA, and More - Orbital Today

The Best April Fools Pranks of 2024 So Far: by Elon Musk, ESA, and More - Orbital Today

Space business can be funny, too. Check the list of the best April Fool's pranks in the space industry by companies and people in 2024!