When it’s time to dispose of your old fridge or freezer, getting rid of it properly is super important for safety and the environment. To help you do it right, we’ve put together this easy guide.

If you need a hand, you can talk to our rubbish removal experts. We’re licensed to handle waste in South East London and know exactly what to do.

“Let Mitchells Moving Company take care of your unwanted stuff, like that old fridge, and make sure it’s disposed of safely for you.”

For more detailed information, visit: https://www.mitchellsmovingcom....pany.com/blog/how-to

How To Dispose Of Old Fridge And Freezer – Mitchells Moving Company

How To Dispose Of Old Fridge And Freezer – Mitchells Moving Company

If you want to get rid of an old bulky fridge, read this blog to learn about the best practices and the benefits of using professional rubbish removal services.