Mango Peanut Butter is high in antioxidants like vitamin E and beta-carotene

Mango peanut butter is not only tasty but also very healthy. Here's why this special spread is good for you:

Immune System Support
Mango peanut butter is rich in vitamins A and C, which are crucial for a strong immune system. Vitamin A keeps your skin and mucous membranes healthy, while vitamin C boosts the production of white blood cells to fight off infections.

Mango Peanut Butter 510gm | BUTTERELA Peanut Butter

Mango Peanut Butter 510gm | BUTTERELA Peanut Butter

BUTTERELA Mango Peanut Butter 510gm | Chia Seeds | Godness of Peanut with Delicious Taste of Mango | BUTTERELA Mango Peanut Butter Healthy bhi Tasty bhi |